If reincaration is the real answer on all our doubts and believes then i swear i was a sailor. I never really loved people from my island, but i've always felt very connected to the sea.
I enjoyed sunday mornings when i was little because then the fisherman's ships would have come to our port and my mom and me would go buy some fish for a lunch. More then that i enjoyed seeing the ships and people in striped shirts carrying around those colorful baskets full of fresh fish. I'm a vegetarian and i was never really impressed by fishes but i truly enjoyed the surroundings.
My mom is an artist, and she loves everything connected to our area so i was always there painting, drawing and designing with her. She had one collection of things she made with ropes. bikinis, hats, bags and belts. I will put them on here sometime.
Here are two of my sailor inspired sets...
Also,check my polyvore if you wish http://la-lara.polyvore.com/
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cute blog! I found you on IFB!
OdgovoriIzbrišifollow back
I am thinking of going back to being a veggie girl, I was for 9 years, then started eatting meat again, I feel gross
Sure i will. Naah, you don't have to feel quilty. You should eat what you like and that's it. I wish i was eating meat but i'm just intolerant to it.
Izbrišikako je divno pronaći nekoga iz Hrvatske preko IFB-a ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišipratim te, nadam se da ćeš i ti mene :)
Pusa i veliki pozdrav iz Zagreba :D
Bas mi je drago, naravno followed back :D
IzbrišiI ja sam u Zagrebu,samo trenutno doma na odmoru :)
Pozdrav s Brača xx